Effective Natural Remedies Against Wrinkles

Did you know that cucumber could be very effective not only against tired eyes but also against wrinkles and dark circles ?

Effective natural remedies against wrinkles

From a certain age, the first wrinkles appear on the face of both women and men. In this post you will find the best and most effective natural remedies for wrinkles. Just try them out for yourself!

Wrinkles that are caused by a lack of elasticity, moisture, and collagen can potentially be treated with various natural remedies.

Natural remedies for wrinkles

Grapeseed oil

Grapeseed oil nourishes and moisturizes the skin, so it stays young and healthy longer. This oil is particularly effective in the eye area.

It can also be used for better healing of wounds. 

Grape seed oil contains valuable antioxidants that slow down skin aging and, above all, provide dry skin with sufficient moisture – so it can also be used as a natural remedy for wrinkles.

Vitamin E.

This valuable vitamin supplies the skin with moisture and improves the complexion in particular around the eyes: the skin looks younger and wrinkles can be reduced.

Vitamin E capsules are available in health food stores and many supermarkets. It is best to apply the oil before going to bed every day for at least a week (depending on the number of wrinkles).

Treat wrinkles naturally

Coconut oil

Coconut oil is excellent against wrinkles and dry skin. With daily use you can already see great results after a week.

Naturopaths recommend continuing to apply coconut oil once or twice a week afterwards to keep the skin beautiful and healthy.


The natural oils of the avocado are particularly effective against wrinkles around the eyes. Simply apply some pulp to the wrinkles.


The cucumber is the classic for tired eyes and is therefore used in numerous beauty treatments. They also help reduce wrinkles and crow’s feet.

Simply apply a few raw cucumber slices or “cucumber puree” to the affected areas.

Cucumber mask against wrinkles

orange juice

Vitamin C isn’t the only thing orange juice has to offer: you can use a cotton swab to apply some orange juice to the wrinkles in the morning and evening. In a few weeks you would supposedly be seeing excellent results.

castor oil

This is one of the oldest natural remedies against wrinkles. Simply apply a few drops of castor oil to the skin, always before going to bed. You shouldn’t use too much to avoid leaving the skin too oily.

Rub the oil into the skin with a gentle massage. This treatment is recommended twice a week.


First make a mixture of 1 spoon of natural yoghurt, 1 spoon of honey, 1/2 spoon of lemon juice and a small piece of banana. Then squeeze the banana well and mix everything until a homogeneous paste is formed.

This is then applied to the well-cleaned and dried face. After 15 minutes of action, wash off with plenty of lukewarm water.

Anti-wrinkle yogurt mask


Lemon juice

This natural skin tightener will also reduce wrinkles and shrink pores. Simply rub a little lemon into your face and neck in the evening.

You have to be careful not to get a lemon in your eyes. Leave on for a short time and then remove with water and apply a moisturizing cream.

This application is best done in the evening as lemon can cause spots on the skin when exposed to the sun.

Habits to prevent premature wrinkling

In order for the natural remedies to work against wrinkles, various habits must also be taken into account in order to keep the skin beautiful and young:

Not too much sun

This is the most effective way of preventing wrinkles. The sun damages the outer layers of the skin and dries out the skin.

If you are outdoors, going to the swimming pool or going to the beach, you should definitely not forget to wear good sun protection.

This is not only important in summer, it is advisable to wear sun protection all year round – even if it is cold or cloudy.

Get out of the sun

Do not smoke!

This bad habit not only makes the organism sick, but also affects the external appearance. Smoking leads to premature wrinkling.

Not only do wrinkles appear around the mouth as a result of the constant smoking gesture. The pollutants that accumulate in the body also reduce the elasticity of the skin and worsen wound healing.

Regular peeling

There are several ways to exfoliate your skin without harming it. It is important to regularly remove the impurities and particles that clog your pores.

When wrinkles are present, dust, makeup, and impurities tend to accumulate in them.

It is therefore advisable to do a gentle exfoliation once a week and remove the dead cells in order to reveal radiant skin.

Sleep quality

Try to keep regular sleep times – 8 hours a day is recommended . If possible, always get up at the same time and take a short nap after lunch.

If you don’t get enough sleep, the hormone cortisol is produced, which damages cells and causes stress. However, if you get enough sleep, your body can recover at night and produce elastin, which is necessary for young, glowing skin.

Use glasses

If you have vision problems, you should definitely use glasses and not strain your eyes unnecessarily. A sunglasses is important to protect your eyes!

This way you can avoid unnecessary wrinkles in this area due to the constant contraction of your eyes.

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