Garlic And Honey: A Duo For Health?

Garlic and honey are both natural remedies that are said to have a wide range of effects

Garlic and honey: a duo for health?

Garlic and honey: both tasty, but also healthy? And how can you combine both? Does this taste good? And if so, what is it good for?

Find out everything there is to know about garlic and honey and learn how to use both!

Garlic: only against vampires?

Many uses of garlic have not been scientifically proven – such as its effectiveness against vampires. Nevertheless, you can try the garlic-based home remedies!

In Australia, a study took place in which patients with high blood pressure had to eat garlic in addition to their blood pressure lowering medication.

The result of this study was that the blood pressure also decreased by an average of 10 mm Hg.

Another study has not yet been carried out under scientific conditions, but such an additional lowering of blood pressure can then be considered a success.

There are many studies on lowering blood cholesterol, all of which suggest that garlic has the ability to lower blood lipid levels.

It is important to distinguish between two things: blood lipid levels and LDL cholesterol. According to the study results, garlic is in fact able to lower total blood lipid levels, but not those of the “harmful” LDL cholesterol!

It is believed that an adult needs to eat at least 4 big toes a day to have any initial effects on cholesterol.

Garlic contains sulfides. These are plant-based sulfur compounds, such as those found in onions or leeks.

These sulfides have antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effects and thus support the immune system in its work to keep infections such as colds away from us.

Allicin is a substance contained in many onion plants that acts like a natural antibiotic with no side effects (other than the smell). This means: if garlic is to really work, it has to be eaten raw and chewed well. Bad breath included …



The tasty product of the hardworking bees is considered an all-round remedy in naturopathy.

In fact, honey has been proven to help with inflammatory skin conditions, as the sweet glue has antibacterial properties like a gentle antibiotic.

Honey also helps to heal injuries more quickly, so that there are even some skin creams on the market that make use of this property.

Before sugar was made from sugar beet, honey was almost the only sweetener in our latitudes.

It consists of up to 85% different types of sugar (fructose, glucose, sucrose, maltose and other complex sugars) and is therefore just as unhealthy as sugar – with a similar calorie content!

What distinguishes honey from granulated sugar are its additional valuable ingredients:

  • Pollen
  • Minerals
  • Proteins
  • Enzymes
  • amino acids
  • Vitamins
  • Natural colors and flavors

If you look at the content of these substances in milligrams per 100g of honey, you will quickly realize that you would have to eat a whole barrel of honey to benefit from it!

For our body, honey is primarily a delicious energy source made from “sugar plus water”, the energy of which is available very quickly.

Garlic and honey

Now that you know what these two ingredients can do, it’s time to combine them. Even if you think that honey and garlic do not go well together, you should try one of the recipes – you will be really surprised!


Garlic pickled in honey

The garlic cloves in honey are very suitable as an accompaniment to grilled dishes or salads or as a decoration on warm goat cheese and other delicacies. You need:

Reading tip: 5 natural antihypertensive agents

  • 20-25 cloves of garlic
  • 150g honey
  • Juice of 3 lemons
  • Rosemary (a sprig)
  • 1 small chilli pepper
  • salt
  • milk

Peel the garlic cloves and blanch them in boiling milk for about 3 minutes. Drain the milk (can also be used for mashed potatoes!) And drain the cloves of garlic.

Warm the honey and then mix it with lemon juice until homogeneous. Season with salt and chilli pepper cut into small rings.

Then put the garlic cloves in a jar, put the rosemary sprig in it and pour the honey mixture over everything. Your delicious side dish will be ready after about 4 days! Also an ideal souvenir for a barbecue evening!


Honey-garlic marinade

This marinade is a classic for spare ribs, but it also tastes delicious with poultry or other types of meat. You can also try it on grilled vegetables, it also goes great with carrots, fennel and onions! You then only need a few ingredients:

  • 250g honey
  • 3 tbsp apple cider vinegar
  • 4 cloves of garlic
  • 125ml salty soy sauce
  • Pepper, salt, cayenne pepper or chili powder to taste

Finely chop or press the garlic cloves. Mix the honey, vinegar and soy sauce well, heat a little if necessary. Finally stir in the garlic and season to your own taste.

It is best to marinate food in it for a few hours and brush it over and over again while grilling.

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