Healthy Ingredients For Your Breakfast

Breakfast is one of the most important meals of the day. That is why we would like to inspire you today with 5 delicious, healthy recipes for a balanced diet in the morning.

Healthy ingredients for your breakfast

Your breakfast is the most important and best way to start every new day . Statistically speaking, people who eat breakfast regularly are leaner than those who forego a balanced breakfast.

This is because, without your  breakfast , the body is forced to run in “emergency mode” and does not, as is often claimed, fall back on its fat reserves, but runs on an absolute back burner.

The hunger that has accumulated over the day due to reduced calorie intake is unfortunately far too often “balanced out” by taking small snacks in between meals or a dinner that is too lavish due to hunger.

The daily calorie intake is therefore higher, despite a skipped breakfast!

Basic ingredients for a balanced breakfast

The body needs carbohydrates, protein and fat in order to be optimally supplied with everything it needs.

We don’t have to worry about the fat in our diet, the average German citizen consumes too much of it anyway.

However, a balanced breakfast will keep you full for a long time. To do this, however, the fiber content of the meal must be high.


Protein is important and should not “fall under the table” at breakfast . Dairy products are ideal for this. If you do not want any animal protein sources, you can also use soy milk products, for example.


The most important fuel for our muscle engine is and will remain the carbohydrates. In the morning “the tank is empty” and it is important to refill it before you set off on the “Autobahn” of everyday life with the muscle motor.

Fruit Vegetable

It would of course be easy to get the breakfast portion of fruit and vegetables in the form of industrially produced juices.

But it is always better to eat fruits and vegetables in their most natural form.

This ensures that the vitamins and minerals it contains can be optimally absorbed by the body.


Depending on the ambient temperature and humidity, the body loses up to one liter of water through sweat and breath during sleep.

It is therefore not only important to ventilate the bed and bedroom in the morning. It is also necessary to replenish the fluid lost at breakfast.

Recipe ideas for a balanced breakfast

Banana milk

Banana milk

To do this, you need a ripe banana and a dairy product of your choice. Make sure that the dairy product is low in fat (if possible skimmed from cow’s milk) and unsweetened.

Plant-based milk variants in particular are often sweetened with sugar and thus destroy their actual health benefits.

Puree the banana in the milk and, depending on your mood, season with a little cinnamon, vanilla or ginger.

Bananas contain a lot of the amino acid tryptophan, which is converted into serotonin in the brain. This “happiness hormone” is often in short supply in the darker months of the year and helps overcome mental blocks.

Bananas are also rich in minerals such as potassium and their high fructose content gives you a good energy boost in the morning.

You supply your body with protein and fluids through the dairy product .


Yogurt with fruits

Yoghurt (including soy yoghurt!) Contains a lot of protein in an easily digestible form. Make sure that the yoghurt is low in fat and unsweetened so as not to make the breakfast, which is healthy in itself, unhealthy with fat and sugar!

Compared to a cream yogurt with up to 10% fat or a whole milk yogurt with 3.8% fat, you save 30 or 11.4 grams of fat with a normal 300g cup of skimmed milk yogurt.

That is 102 or 270 (!) Unnecessary calories!



Is it too cumbersome for you to peel fruit in the early morning, chop it up and chew it piece by piece? Never mind

Just throw the fruit of your choice (banana, berries, peaches …) with a little water or a few ice cubes in a blender in summer and then puree “lightning fruit” into a smoothie.

You have never eaten so much fruit so quickly!

whole-grain bread rolls

Delicious from the baker

You mean there is no time for breakfast? Then use the time on the way to work to have breakfast!

A short stop at the bakery should be included. There you can buy a whole wheat roll (or two). You already filled your banana milk in your coffee-to-go cup at home.

That’s why you can now enjoy a balanced breakfast in the car, train or bus: with carbohydrates, fiber, protein, liquids and fruit!

Breakfast porridge

Especially in winter it is sometimes good to eat something warm in the morning when you crawl out of the cozy bed and come out of the hot shower.

Breakfast porridge is perfect for this! When buying, make sure that the breakfast porridge is not sugared. Put it in a microwave-safe container, pour milk over it and heat it up in the microwave.

This way nothing burns and you can then use the time to cut a piece of fruit into small pieces and stir it into the finished pulp.

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