Homemade Peppermint Oil For Health Care

Do you already know peppermint oil? This versatile home remedy helps against all kinds of ailments and is also very easy to make yourself.

Homemade peppermint oil for health care

Peppermint oil is an excellent home remedy. Have you heard of the numerous health benefits and cosmetic uses of this fragrant oil?

It works against headaches, inflammation and numerous other ailments, among other things. Find out more in this article!

In this post, you will learn how you can easily make it yourself. We are sure you will love this oil and find some useful uses for it!

What can peppermint oil be used for?

Store homemade peppermint oil in a dark glass bottle

1. Cosmetic Applications

  • Peppermint oil  regulates the skin’s sebum production and thus helps with acne. Apply some of this with a cotton ball; this will improve the appearance of the skin, especially with acne scars.
  • It has a firming effect and is therefore excellent against cellulite. Simply massage it into the skin using circular motions.
  • A massage with peppermint oil is also highly recommended for heavy legs or varicose veins.
  • On the other hand, this oil helps against water retention in the tissue.
  • It also helps against dandruff. To do this, massage the peppermint oil gently into the damp scalp and let it work for a short time. Then rinse with lukewarm water and wash your hair as usual.
  • Peppermint oil is also an excellent deodorant.
  • It is also an excellent remedy for head lice.

2. Health Applications

Home remedies peppermint oil - mint is an all-rounder
  • Peppermint oil helps  relieve headaches. For example, you can put it on in the form of a cold compress to relieve tension headaches.
  • This oil can also be very helpful for migraines.
  • That being said, it has an anti-inflammatory effect.
  • Peppermint oil also has an analgesic effect, for example after a bump or impact.
  • It is also suitable for treating minor burns.
  • The mint oil can help lower a fever and promote sweating.
  • It is an excellent help against  muscle pain  as well as rheumatic complaints.
  • If you come home in the evening with sore, swollen, and tired legs, peppermint oil can prove very helpful. Do a relaxing foot bath with warm water and 10 drops of peppermint oil.
  • The oil is also ideal for treating respiratory problems (bronchitis, hoarseness, flu, colds, etc.). Try a facial steam bath or rub your chest with peppermint oil.
  • Peppermint oil also has a cooling and calming effect on insect bites.
  • It also alleviates  premenstrual discomfort. To do this, massage your abdomen gently with mint oil or put a few drops of the oil on a damp cloth.
  • Furthermore, the oil has a very refreshing effect after sunburn.
  • The essential oil of mint can even stimulate the nervous system, which is why it has a positive effect on mental exhaustion.
  • Peppermint oil leads to new vitality. Just use a few drops as a room fragrance.

How do you make peppermint oil?

What do i need?

  • 350 g fresh peppermint
  • 200 ml base oil (you can use almond oil or olive oil, for example)
  • Dark glass bottle with a capacity of 250 ml

How is the oil prepared?

  • You can either get fresh peppermint from the garden or buy it at the market. Since the oil is applied directly to the skin, good hygiene is very important. For this reason, wash each leaf individually with fresh water. 
  • First, crush the peppermint leaves with a wooden pestle or spoon. With a little force you can get the sap of the plant to come out. That smells wonderful!
  • Now put the 200 ml oil together with the crushed peppermint in a saucepan. Heat the whole thing on a low temperature and stir it well. Cover the pot to prevent the natural essence of the mint from escaping. After half an hour, turn off the stove and let the mixture rest.
  • Then pass the oil through a sieve and pour it into a dark glass bottle.
  • Keep the bottle of peppermint oil in a cool, dark place.
  • Now you need a little patience. You should  wait about 10 days for  the oil to develop its good properties. Turn the glass bottle every 12 hours so that all substances mix well.

    Another possibility is the production of  peppermint alcohol, which is also ideal for treating muscle pain and rheumatism as well as for healing wounds. Here, too, the production is very simple:

    • Put the mint leaves in 95% alcohol, then store this mixture in a sealed glass bottle in a dark, cool place for 15-20 days.
    • When the time is up, simply strain the alcohol and you will get an excellent remedy that is very beneficial for many ailments.

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