Hyperactivity In Adulthood: 6 Tips

Hyperactivity in adulthood often makes everyday life difficult for those affected. But this disease can usually be treated successfully. Find out more about it afterwards. 

Adult hyperactivity: 6 tips

Hyperactivity in adulthood  is a disease that is often underestimated. In today’s article, you will learn more about symptoms and treatment options because many are affected by them without even realizing it.

However, hyperactivity in adulthood  often makes everyday life difficult for those affected. But this disease can usually be treated successfully. Find out more about it afterwards. 

Adult hyperactivity

Hyperactivity is mostly associated with children or adolescents. But if this disorder is not treated in time or is not recognized at all, it often has a very negative effect on everyday life even in adulthood. Those affected are often doomed to failure if the problem is not recognized and dealt with correctly.

Adults with ADHD tend to be anxious and nervous.  The following symptoms are also very common:

  • impulsiveness
  • Short attention span
  • Poor concentration
  • Bad time management
  • Inability to calm down
  • Lack of perseverance and patience

Affected people often find it difficult to be calm. They tend to talk a lot, are impatient (for example, when waiting in line), and are always very active. Often they break off conversations with others and always seem to be in a hurry. 

It is estimated that around two million adults in Germany suffer from hyperactivity. This is an emotional and psychological disorder that makes everyday life difficult. Because those affected lack self-confidence, the ability to plan and focus. 

Poor self-esteem can complicate relationships with others. And frequent failure also has a negative effect. In addition, there are often anxiety disorders, depression and personality disorders.

Treatment of hyperactivity in adults

The first way leads to the psychologist who can make a diagnosis. He can then initiate the correct treatment and recommend further measures. Information is essential to make everyday life easier for the adults concerned.

As soon as those affected know more about this disorder, they can explain certain behaviors to themselves and then master them better. Changing lifestyle habits, behavior therapy and other measures are usually very successful.

We have then summarized some tips for those affected:

1. Talk about it!

speak hyperactivity in adulthood

It’s always good to be able to confide in others. A family member, a good friend, or a psychologist can be very helpful in this. In conversation you will become more aware of the effects of ADHD and at the same time you will be able to relieve tension. 

2. Breathing exercises

breathe hyperactivity in adulthood

Breathing techniques are very beneficial for quickly calming down in moments of overexertion or difficult situations.

Concentrate fully on your breathing until your heartbeat calms down. Think of positive situations that will give you new strength. We recommend that you take a special course in breathing techniques. 

Yoga and meditation are also very helpful!

3. Avoid interruptions

interrupt hyperactivity in adulthood

To avoid interrupting others in a conversation, silently count to 10 before you speak yourself. Practice active listening and give your conversation partner time. Only when you are asked do you give your answer and talk about your own opinion on the topic.

4. Relax

Relaxation techniques are also very beneficial for adult hyperactivity. You can take a class to learn methods of relaxation,  just take a warm bath or take a walk in the park.

Find out for yourself which method will best help you to calm down, relax your mind, and have positive thoughts.

5. Organization

organize hyperactivity in adulthood

Hyperactive adults usually have difficulty planning their daily routine. Disorder and chaos are also quite normal for them. Create to-do lists that you actually stick to. Enter tasks and deadlines in a calendar and also use post-its to highlight special dates.

Set one day a week to keep things tidy! Organize your work area, clear your table of unnecessary things and make it a habit to work neatly and cleanly.

You should also get used to being more organized at home! Self-organization and self-control can be learned.

6. Avoid distractions

Hyperactive people are easily and quickly distracted. Try to keep out disturbing influences at home or at work as much as possible. There are also concentration exercises that are very beneficial. 

Find out more, because hyperactivity in adults is a disease that can usually be treated successfully. With it you can greatly improve your quality of life!

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