Instructions For Being Happy

Who doesn’t want to be happy? Philosophers, thinkers, psychologists and we have all asked ourselves how happiness can be achieved.

Who doesn’t want to be happy? Philosophers, thinkers, psychologists and we have all asked ourselves how happiness can be achieved. That doesn’t mean that anyone who thinks about happiness is unhappy themselves. But the search for the path to new happiness is the first step in finding it. Those who think about important or insignificant goals in life often realize that happiness can be found in small, everyday things.  There is no key or exact formula to happiness that can guarantee results. Happiness is a deep and very personal feeling and a positive outlook on life.

What does happiness mean?

The Austrian neurologist and psychiatrist Viktor Frankl – founder of the Third Vienna School of Psychotherapy, which is based on the principles of logotherapy – survived several concentration camps between 1942 and 1945, including Auschwitz and Dachau. In his most important work “Man in search of meaning”, he thinks about life in these extreme situations full of hardship and slavery.

A quote from Frankl reads as follows: “Happiness is like a butterfly. If you want to catch him, he escapes. But if you turn your attention to other things, it will come by itself and sit on your shoulder. Happiness is not a resting place, but a way of going through life ”.

Happiness is a way of life that must be practiced every day, regardless of the circumstances or circumstances. As Frankl notes: “Everything can be taken from a person, but not the ultimate human freedom: the choice of attitudes towards things in certain circumstances, the choice of one’s own path. Can’t we change the situation? When it is not in your hands to change a painful situation, you can always choose the attitude with which you cope with the suffering. “

The life experiences of Viktor Frankl and numerous other victims of the Holocaust were definitive proof of the theory of logotherapy. It states that the meaning of life is the primary motivational force of humans. Frankl gives us numerous examples of a happy life. Happiness is independent of physical conditions or daily obstacles and difficult life circumstances. A basic quote from Frankl: “Whoever has a reason to live will also find the way”.

Everyone has the ability to be happy in any situation in life. It is important to think about it and make certain changes:

6 things you can start being happy with today

We have seen that happiness is a personal attitude and everyone is capable of it. But how can you start to be happier? Inside yourself by exploring your nature. Then you can observe, analyze and change your relationships with the outside world. 

Happiness is a choice

The first step is to choose happiness. It was already clear to Abraham Lincoln: “Most people are as happy as they made themselves to be”. But often certain circumstances prevent you from finding happiness. But if you choose to face difficulties with a positive attitude, nothing can stand in the way of happiness. It’s not about avoiding suffering – which is usually not even possible – but using it to become a better person and to find meaning in it.

Many worry more about how happiness can be achieved than living it every day. A study by the Department of Psychology at Yale University entitled “A Dark Side of Happiness? How, When, and Why Happiness Is Not Always Good ”analyzes how and why the constant search for happiness can produce stress and anxiety. Many stress themselves out thinking that they need so much to be happy. If the desired happiness is not achieved with the available means and in the desired time, then frustrations arise.

So before you go in search of happiness, ask yourself the following question: Do my attitudes toward work, my personal relationships, and my life in general allow me to be happy?

Why do I do what I do?

The daily routine and the hectic pace often make us forget why we are doing certain things. Many seek happiness in a promotion, a raise, or other sense of achievement. But luck does not lie in success, exactly the opposite is the case. At this point we quote Albert Schweitzer, Nobel Laureate in 1952: “Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you do, you will succeed ”. If you want to be happy, you should try to do everything with pleasure and passion. A University of California study confirmed that happy people are more optimistic and energetic. They also have more self-confidence. At the same time, these characteristics facilitate success in the job, the achievement of the set goals, the development of new projects, etc.

The value of the little things

John Lennon said: “Sunrise is a wonderful event, but most people overslept it.” We must learn to appreciate the small and simple beauties of life that surround us. These are often ignored or viewed as unimportant as we are already used to them. Those who are able to appreciate small things will find happiness in them.

Most of the time we forget small details in life or don’t value them. But it is clear that those who value and care for the little things in life are more successful in their professional and everyday life and can build better relationships. Call a customer and ask how they like the product, say hello to a friend, give a smile … it makes all the difference in how we feel and are perceived.  Those who also improve their work will feel more satisfied and consequently happier.

Take care of you

It’s not about being vain, but about looking after your appearance and also your health. Those who take a short time in the morning for care have a better attitude throughout the day – this has been proven in various studies.  Comfortable clothing and a laugh also make you more productive. Appearance is not the number one priority, but it is important that you are comfortable and comfortable with your appearance.

Exercise also has very positive effects: a study by the State University of Arizona confirmed that exercise is more effective against depression than relaxation, meditation, or music therapy. Another study found that regular exercise not only brings health benefits, but also improves body awareness, increases self-confidence and, as a result, increases satisfaction and happiness.  Exercising regularly has been shown to be very effective against depression.

Be yourself and be surrounded by good people

In a study by the BMJ Group, scientists came to the conclusion that happiness strongly depends on who you have contact with and that this can therefore also be a collective phenomenon. Happiness is contagious – so it is important that the people around you are satisfied with their own lives, laugh a lot, appreciate small details and also choose to be happy.

Unhappiness and sadness are also contagious. Often times it is difficult to listen to someone who is constantly complaining about everything and unable to move forward. Think of the people around you. Try to help them and decide who is worth a true friendship.

Help other people

Most of them learn as a small child that helping others makes them happy. This has also been scientifically proven: In a study by the Wharton Business School, University of Pennsylvania, it was confirmed that  “those who devote a few hours a day to other people have the feeling that they have more time at the end of the day, even more than when they do this time is used for itself ”.  People who help others feel happier and more satisfied.

At the next opportunity, you shouldn’t doubt it: Even if the help costs you time, it causes positive feelings in the long term. Great changes can of course also be achieved for those who are happy. Therefore: a good deed every day!

In conclusion, it can be noted that happiness depends only on yourself! Even if the circumstances and situations change and are not always easy, you can be happy! Take care of yourself and others!

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