Nocturnal Panic Attacks: Triggers And Treatment

Health or psychological causes can lead to nocturnal panic attacks. In this case, you should definitely consult a specialist to find a solution! 

Nightly Panic Attacks: Triggers and Treatment

Nocturnal panic attacks  occur suddenly and unexpectedly during sleep and usually lead to a feeling of suffocation, racing heart and sweating.

Around 10% of people who suffer from anxiety and are under high stress are occasionally tormented by panic attacks not only during the day but also at night, although  nocturnal panic attacks are  usually more intense and stronger.

These can become a serious problem in some cases. Then it comes to aspects worth knowing about this topic.

Nighttime Panic Attacks: Who Has It?

Woman has nighttime panic attacks

There is not much talk about nighttime panic attacks, so many are amazed to hear how many people suffer from them.

One imagines a fearful person who is paralyzed by their fears during the day and suffers from a racing heart because they suddenly feel in danger or feel anxiety.

At night, however, you are in bed, a place where you feel safe,  but nocturnal panic attacks are much more common  than we imagine.

But which people are particularly at risk of having a nighttime panic attack?
  • Patients who also suffer from anxiety and panic during the day.
  • People who are under great psychological and emotional pressure.
  • Patients with hyperthyroidism or hyperthyroidism.
  • People who suffer from sleep apnea.
  • Reflux patients.
  • People who have had a traumatic experience:  the loss of a loved one, a tragic accident or witness of it …

    What are the symptoms of a nighttime panic attack?

    Woman has nighttime panic attack

    The nocturnal panic attack usually does not arise in the REM phase, but rather when you sleep most calmly and relaxed, usually in the early morning hours around 2 a.m.

    • Affected people wake up suddenly and violently, as if someone were activating a mechanism that woke them up.
    • They have intense fear, panic or fear of death. 
    • In addition, there are often feelings of suffocation, racing heart and excessive sweating.
    • The patient has the feeling that this situation lasts forever, but normally a panic attack is limited to a maximum of 15 to 20 minutes.

      Another typical sign is  that one is usually more confused at night than when having a panic attack during the day.

      You are suddenly torn from the “unconscious” world, and quite unexpectedly, relaxation turns into almost unbearable fear.

      You lose control of the situation and the fear increases.

      What to do about a nighttime panic attack

      As mentioned earlier, these intense feelings of anxiety can be traced back to various triggers. A distinction can be made between two different types: medical and psychological causes.

      Medical causes of nighttime panic attacks

      Woman is awake and has nightly panic attacks

      Thyroid disorders, sleep apnea, or reflux, for example, are medical triggers that can lead to nighttime panic attacks.

      In this case, the following strategies can be helpful:

      • Consult a doctor and get a diagnosis to determine the exact causes.
      • The doctor will prescribe appropriate treatment depending on whether it is a thyroid disorder, reflux, or other condition.
      • Follow your doctor’s instructions to help you get a peaceful night’s sleep.
      • You should also watch to see if certain medicines are affecting the quality of your sleep.
      • Try to lead an active life. Exercise is excellent for preventing panic attacks.
      • After a nighttime panic attack, it’s best to start your daily routine the next morning, with calming activities being recommended.
      • Watching TV or taking a bath is not the best choice as it can affect your night’s sleep.

      Psychological and emotional reasons for nighttime panic attacks

      The first thing you need to do is figure out what emotional problems are causing the panic attacks.

      • Try to organize your emotional world with the help of an expert. Various strategies can be very helpful in facing difficult situations.
      • Before you go to bed, practice breathing exercises and relaxation techniques.
      • Mindfulness is excellent for dealing with fearful situations.
      • Yoga is also of great help.
      • In addition, swimming, dancing and walks in nature can have a relaxing effect and support therapy.

        Don’t doubt to see a doctor to properly manage your anxiety and sleep disorders. Only when you know the exact biological or psychological cause can you start the right therapy. 

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