Olive Oil For Strong, Well-groomed Fingernails

For all those who are looking for a natural alternative for beautiful, well-groomed fingernails, we then recommend various tips and a treatment with olive oil. 

Olive oil for strong, well-groomed fingernails

Strong, well-groomed fingernails are the most beautiful business card! But many suffer from brittle, chipping nails, a problem that various activities at work or at home make.

Chemical products, lack of care or nutrients, and other factors can directly affect nail health.

For all those who are looking for a natural alternative for beautiful, well-groomed  fingernails , we recommend various tips and a treatment with olive oil afterwards. This is very effective and also relatively inexpensive. 

Tips for well-groomed fingernails

  • More protein:  Diet plays an important role in the care and health of your fingernails. You should include more protein-rich foods  in your diet. These include, for example, lean meat, chicken, fish, and legumes. Also,  calcium and vitamin A, B and C, which are found in fruits and vegetables is recommended.
  • Avoid contact with chemical products:  Detergents, dishwashing detergents and cleaning products can weaken the nails due to the chemicals they contain. It’s best to use gloves when cleaning or washing up.
  • Short nails:  Long fingernails can look very beautiful and attractive, but they are more brittle and sensitive. It is therefore best to have relatively short, well-groomed fingernails.
  • Do not use nail polish remover too often:  Products used to remove nail polish contain strong pollutants that can lead to dry, damaged fingernails. To prevent your nails from becoming brittle due to the nail polish remover, you should  not use it more than once a week and only in small amounts.

More tips:

  • Avoid nail hardeners and artificial nails:  Nail hardeners are praised because they should actually strengthen and strengthen the nails, but they contain harmful active ingredients. Artificial nails look great,  but removing them often results in nail damage and fungus.
  • Once a week manicure:  A nourishing manicure does not necessarily have to be completed with nail polish. You can easily clean, file, and maintain your nails to keep them healthy.
  • File the nails straight:  The nails should not be cut but shaped with a nail file. A straight shape is recommended to prevent them from growing in.
  • Fix the nails quickly:  If a nail breaks, it’s best to file it right away. If the crack is large and you want to save the nail, you can use nail glue to attach a piece of a tea bag. Then polish the nail with a fine cloth and apply transparent nail polish.

Treatment with olive oil for well-groomed fingernails

olive oil home remedies

Olive oil is a moisturizing, strengthening product that is highly recommended for the care and health of the nails. This precious oil nourishes and strengthens the nails and is very easy to use.


  • olive oil
  • fresh orange juice
  • clove of garlic


  • Squeeze the garlic and then mix it with the fresh orange juice in a small bowl. Then bathe your fingernails in this mixture for 10 minutes.
  • Then prepare the olive oil in another bowl and bathe your fingers in it for another 15 minutes.
  • You should do this treatment twice a week. Remember that you need to stay constant to get the results you want.
  • You can also soak your fingers in olive oil more often for even better results. Another option is to massage some olive oil onto your nails every night before bed.

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