Proper Nutrition For Every Body Type

Depending on the body type, the diet can be adjusted to prevent love handles in different parts of the body. 

Proper nutrition for every body type

The  body type  can tell about a person a lot. For example, you can read off different habits,  especially eating habits. 

Today we’re going to explain which foods are best for each  body type  so that you can incorporate this into your eating plan.

Apple shape

What is your body type

This body type can be recognized by the fact that there is more belly and less breast and the body shape is therefore like an apple. In particular, there is a tendency to accumulate fat on the hips.

It is therefore best to eat small portions more often  instead of only having 3 main meals. We recommend that you eat something smaller 6 times a day.

Recommended foods for this body type:

  • High fiber products
  • fruit
  • vegetables
  • vitamin C
  • Low fat dairy products

Natural yogurt is also a good choice  to strengthen the intestinal flora and improve digestion. 

You should avoid these foods:

It is better to avoid flatulent and gas-producing foods. These include the following:

  • Fast food
  • loaf
  • legumes

Rectangular shape

If your body is “rectangular” in shape, that is, if your hips are narrow and almost the same width as your shoulders,  the tendency to gain weight is likely to be less than that of other people. 

Nevertheless, you should consider various recommendations in your diet.

Recommended foods for this body type:

Opt for more foods with plant-based protein. In addition, healthy fatty acids are very important. You can find these in the following foods:

  • avocado
  • Almonds
  • salmon

You should avoid these foods:

Even if you don’t have any weight problems, you shouldn’t eat too much sweets or too many saturated fat.

Pear shape

With this body type, the hips and buttocks are wide, but the upper body is relatively slim. In this case, most of the fat is accumulated in the lower part of the body,  and fluid is often also accumulated in the tissue. 

Recommended foods for this body type:

Fish, eggs, and meat for this body type

The following foods should not be missing in this body type:

  • flesh
  • fish
  • Eggs
  • Dairy products
  • High protein foods

Various fruits such as  watermelon or pineapple are also recommended as they detoxify the body. Don’t forget to drink green tea!

Hourglass shape

Cereals for every body type

If the chest and hips are rather broad, but  the waist is narrow, then this is called an hourglass shape.

While this is the ideal body type for many , be careful when you gain weight as fat is stored in different areas of the body.

Often there is an increase in blood sugar levels. To prevent this from happening, we recommend 5 meals a day.

Recommended foods for this body type:

  • Opt for whole grain products for rice, pasta, bread, cookies, etc.

You should avoid these foods:

Avoid white flour products as much as possible, as these are more difficult to digest. In addition, you should reduce your salt consumption to prevent fluid retention.

Inverted triangle shape

Rice for every body type

In an inverted triangle shape, the shoulders are wider than the hips, the waist is not narrow, but the arms are thin.

Recommended foods for this body type:

Include more  high-fiber foods in your diet. This body type often has problems with intestinal transit.

You should avoid these foods:

Reduce your consumption of animal protein and incorporate more vegetable proteins into your diet.

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