Proper Nutrition For Gallstones

Proper nutrition can prevent biliary colic and prevent the formation of new gallstones. Caution is required, especially with fatty foods. 

Proper nutrition for gallstones

In the case of gallstones , it is important to remember that diet is essential to prevent discomfort and prevent the formation of new stones. It is important to alleviate possible inflammation and avoid high-fat foods as much as possible. But other nutrition tips are also very beneficial in terms of prevention and treatment. Read on to learn more about it.

Interesting facts about the gallbladder

The gallbladder is a pear-shaped hollow organ that is surrounded by a muscle wall and is located in the upper right abdominal area. This organ stores the bile produced in the liver,  which is necessary for fat digestion and the absorption of certain vitamins.

How do gallstones form?

What to do with gallstones
Gallstones are formed by the crystallization of bile salts in the gallbladder.

Gallstones  are crystallized substances from the bile that are  produced in the liver and released into the intestines via the bile ducts to enable fat to be digested. Some gallstones do not produce any noticeable symptoms.

The formation of gallstones may be  related to poor eating habits. For example, excessive consumption of fatty foods forces the liver to produce more bile. It is therefore very important to control your diet to prevent gallstones and, if they are already present, to relieve the symptoms.

Women are more likely to have gallstones,  especially if they are 50 or older and have a family history of gallstones. It also happens more often during pregnancy. In addition, women who take estrogens and people who fast, do not exercise, or suffer from shrunken liver are more at risk of developing it.

Proper nutrition for gallstones

Proper nutrition for gallstones 
Fat, in particular, causes gallstones to form. In order to prevent inflammation and discomfort, you should therefore largely avoid unhealthy fats.

The general recommendations for diet for gallstones are very simple:  Eat a varied, healthy diet that should be low in fat and low in cholesterol. Check the calories consumed daily and try to divide the food into 5 daily servings. Avoid fasting periods and avoid lavish foods.

Drinks for gallstones

  • Plenty of water
  • Lukewarm and mild herbal teas (e.g. chamomile)
  • Low-fat milk in small quantities (you can try to gradually increase consumption).

    Soups, purees and side dishes for gallstones

    • Vegetable broth with rice or pasta
    • Mush with oats, lentils, corn, etc.
    • Mashed potatoes, potatoes boiled in water or baked potatoes
    • Pulp puree, boiled for a long time, then filtered

    Meat for gallstones

    • Beef, rabbit, lamb (cooked, grilled, mildly prepared in small pieces)
    • Skinless chicken (grilled, oven-cooked, mildly prepared in small pieces)
    • Lean ham, with a little salt
    • Fish: white fish (sole, hake, whiting, etc., boiled in water with a little oil and lemon, or grilled)

    Desserts for gallstones

    • Flan, jam, compote, fresh fruit juice, cooked fruit or raw apples
    • Bread and biscuits: toasted biscuits, white bread in very small quantities, puff pastry biscuits or biscuits

    Recommended cooking methods for gallstones

    • Cook with little fat,
    • do not fry,
    • do not heat the fat above 100ÂșC,
    • ideally raw, cooked, steamed, seared or prepared in kitchen paper.

    If you have gallstones, avoid the following foods

    If you have gallstones, avoid the following foods 
    Healthy lifestyle habits and the avoidance of lavish meals are essential for gallstones.
    • Avoid extreme temperatures of dishes or drinks:  These should neither be too cold nor too hot. Otherwise the formation of bile is stimulated. That’s why it’s best to choose lukewarm food and drinks.
    • Various studies have shown that large amounts of single and double sugars stimulate the production of bile. Therefore, you should hold back on sweets!
    • Foods that are rich in xanthine, caffeine and theobromine (such as coffee, mate tea, tea, cocoa, cola …) stimulate the gall bladder. Therefore, you should reduce your consumption as much as possible.
    • You should also avoid large portions. Because this can cause discomfort and the situation can worsen. It is better to distribute several small servings throughout the day.
    • In general, it is also a good idea to limit your consumption of citrus fruits, carbonated beverages, and alcohol.

    The best thing to do with gallstones is to get help from a nutritionist, who can create an individual nutrition plan for you. A gastroenterologist can also help you put together your menus and prescribe the best possible therapy.

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