Shen Men Stimulation Against Stress

A massage in this area can not only relieve stress and tension, but also heal general ailments.

Shen Men stimulation against stress

Do you already know Shen Men stimulation? Stress and hectic are the normal everyday madness. Lifestyle, noise, compromises and other situations can exert physical and mental pressures, which severely impair the quality of life.

Stress triggers health problems that can have a very negative impact on our lives. Many suffer from severe headaches, muscle aches, indigestion, dizziness, urination, etc.

Today we introduce you to a method to reduce stress quickly and easily: The Shen Men stimulation.

We all know stress, but it shouldn’t dominate everyday life and ruin your lifestyle. Those who are frequently stressed should seek medical advice and find other ways to avoid serious consequences.

There are various treatments for stress and anxiety, but  few know the Shen Men points on the ear that can relieve stress almost instantly. Since this technique is rather unknown, we would like to take a closer look at this stress management method today.

Shen Men – ear massage for stress management

Before starting ear massage, it is important to get rid of negative daily emotions. You  shouldn’t suppress this, but rather reduce it in order to relieve the nerves. This can help avoid frustration, anger, or a bad mood.


After shedding the negative energy, you can begin this acupressure technique to relax. Inflammation or pain, caused by constant pressure, can also be relieved with it.

The health benefits of this method are amazing. Ear massage can also alleviate other health problems, depending on how you do it, as it activates neurotransmitters that promote wellbeing.

If you let someone else massage you , you can benefit even more from it. There are many nerves in the ears that can be easily stimulated, which is very relaxing.


The point that brings great relief is called Shen Men or the “gateway to the soul” in traditional Chinese medicine  . 

This anti-stress point takes the pressure off and improves the flow of energy and general well-being. It is located in the center of the upper third of the ear.

Massage instructions

Experts advise using this technique to relax and relieve stress:

  • Gently massage the point with a cotton swab, applying light pressure, but be careful.
  • Take a deep breath and listen to your body.
  • Look to the left as you inhale and then to the right as you exhale, continuing the breathing exercises.
  • You will feel good as there is a balance of mind and body. It is important to concentrate and try to get rid of negative burdens.

 More tips

  • You can also use your fingertips for the massage. This technique can be used at any time for stress, tension and pain caused by pressure.
  • If possible, use this technique every night before bed.

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