Sleep Research: Why Those Who Are Grumpy In The Morning Get Up In A Bad Mood

Bad moods and clumsiness are quite normal for those who are grumpy in the morning after getting up. Because some cognitive and emotional capacities are not yet fully effective. Today we invite you to learn more about this topic.

Sleep research: why morning grumpy people get up in a bad mood

Many people feel tired when they get up, even if they have slept long enough. Her mind is incapable of thinking clearly and her body is still a little clumsy. Morning grouches  are usually in a bad mood and need a certain amount of start-up time.

However, this situation is quite normal. It’s a problem also known as sluggishness. Scientists were already addressing this topic in the 1960s. It is a temporary decrease in cognitive ability and wakefulness. 

This state lasts an hour on average, after which even those who are grumpy in the morning will definitely perk up. Some only take 15 minutes, others even more than an hour. The duration of the wake-up time could be related to the sleep phase in which the affected person wakes up.

Morning grouch: How is sleep indolence expressed?

Morning grouch: How is sleep indolence expressed?

The time it takes some people to wake up fully in the morning  is characterized by poor performance. Those affected are still half asleep and struggle with fatigue.

In addition, during this time they are irritable, intolerant, in a bad mood and can even be depressed. The sluggishness of sleep can also lead to disorientation or general confusion.

This phenomenon affects  mental and physical activities  because the speed of reaction and short-term memory are slower. Affected people feel similar to jet lag and still find it difficult to think.

Clumsiness and a bad mood: the morning grouch can’t help it!

A morning grouch can’t help it if he needs start-up time in the morning, because it doesn’t depend on his character or his personality, as many believe. The American Academy of Sleep Medicine lists sleep indolence in its list of sleep disorders (parasomnias).

The circadian rhythm is the ability of the organism to synchronize physiological processes with the day and night rhythm. Physical, mental and behavioral changes follow the daily routine and are directly related to light and darkness. Some theories assume that changing the natural rhythm affects our sleep. We no longer get up at the first rays of sunshine and are awake for a long time in the evening with artificial light.

During lethargy, the brain is engaged in activities that it normally does during deep sleep. Therefore, various studies show the connection between circadian rhythm and sleep indolence. This is how the latter could be explained, since the brain was jolted awake during the repairing sleep phase and not the biological clock.

To be considered

Morning grouch

Sleep indolence seems to be a harmless phenomenon that is only uncomfortable for those who live with morning grouches and have to endure their bad mood. But scientists have found that when deep sleep is interrupted, brain performance can decrease dramatically.

The lower cognitive performance and slow reactions in everyday situations, as well as the difficulty in overcoming sleepiness, can be dangerous in certain professions. Workers who need to be vigilant after a siesta can be significantly less productive if their sleep is abruptly interrupted. This could put others at risk.

While scientists haven’t been able to find an effective preventative measure to prevent  bad moods and clumsiness in the morning, they recommend strict sleep hygiene.

You should get seven to eight hours of non-stop sleep every day  Get rid of televisions and computers from your room, make sure you have a regular sleep routine, and avoid stimulants before bed.

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