Stimulate The Metabolism With Cucumber, Lemon And Orange

This drink helps to expel harmful substances, satisfy the appetite and lose weight more easily.

Stimulate the metabolism with cucumber, lemon and orange

The modern lifestyle, the pollutants that we ingest and a reduced ability to generate energy mean that many are looking for methods to additionally stimulate the metabolism.

Fortunately, it has been shown that  with a healthy lifestyle and certain foods,  it is possible to activate your metabolism so that it can perform all tasks without any problems.

Today we recommend making a natural drink made from cucumber, lemon, and orange, all of which have nutrients that stimulate fat burning while also having other wonderful health benefits.

The drink contains only a few calories and also provides the organism with the necessary fluids. You too can benefit from it! 

Benefits of flavored water with cucumber, lemon and orange for the metabolism

Regardless of the diet or whether you are following a special diet, it is always advisable to drink between 6 and 8 glasses of water a day.

However, many do not get this measure because they do not like water or do not like it.

Today’s recipe is an excellent natural alternative to hydrating the body and promoting health. This valuable drink supports the detoxification of the organism and improves all body functions.

The taste of the citrus fruits combined with the refreshing cucumber makes it a delicious, very healthy thirst quencher.

Beneficial properties of the cucumber

Cucumber slices

An estimated 96% water is made up of cucumbers . This very popular vegetable is very low in calories, but it contains significant amounts of vitamins, minerals, as well as antioxidants, which are actively involved in the prevention and treatment of various diseases.

In particular, the cucumber contains the following ingredients:

  • Vitamins A, B, C and E.
  • Minerals such as magnesium, silicon, sulfur, calcium, sodium and phosphorus
  • Fiber

Regular consumption of these vegetables improves digestion, removes pollutants and also works against fluid retention in the tissue. 

Beneficial properties of lemon

The lemon is one of the most widely used and popular foods and is also used for medicinal purposes. Its diuretic and cleansing properties are used to detoxify the body and drain stored fluids.

  • The flavonoids contained in lemon help  control cholesterol and triglyceride levels.
  • The lemon contains pectins. This fiber reduces the desire for high-calorie foods. They also contribute to the alkalization of the body.
  • Their antioxidants protect the organism and also improve the function of the enzymes that stimulate the liver to ensure the adequate digestion of fats.

Advantageous properties of the orange


Oranges contain a lot of vitamin C and other antioxidants, which rid the body of harmful substances  and thus improve organ functions.

The water-soluble fiber supports colon cleansing, improves digestion and reduces high cholesterol levels.

Their essential amino acids, minerals and vitamins strengthen the body’s defenses and promote weight loss.

How is the flavored water with cucumber, lemon and orange prepared?

flavored water

The preparation of this natural drink is very simple and can easily be repeated every day.

Since the drink is supposed to stimulate the metabolism, it is crucial to drink a glass every morning on an empty stomach, which can then work throughout the day. 


  • 1 cucumber
  • 1 lemon
  • an orange
  • 1 liter of water
  • 1 sprig of mint (optional)
  • Ice cream (optional)

What do you have to do?

  • First wash all the ingredients well. It is best to use organically grown fruits and vegetables, as the peel is also used.
  • Then cut the cucumber, lemon and orange into slices without peeling them first.
  • Put the water in a jug, then add the sliced ​​citrus fruits and the cucumber.
  • Then let the drink steep overnight and drink the first glass on an empty stomach the next morning.
  • Optionally, you can add a few mint leaves and ice to make the drink even more refreshing.

For better results, drink this drink throughout the day. This curbs your appetite and also moderates the consumption of foods high in calories.

If you want to lose weight permanently, however, you must be aware that only a healthy diet in combination with exercise can help you reach your dream weight.

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