The 4 Great Joys Of Menopause

Menopause is anything but a time of decline. But the body goes through many changes that we must learn to deal with so that they do not negatively affect us

The 4 great joys of menopause

Menopause brings many changes for women. During this time, there is often shortness of breath, tiredness, hair loss and other complaints. But feelings can also go crazy. It is a major challenge for most women. That is why today we want to talk about the joys of menopause .

In this phase of your life you can learn to love yourself and to enjoy your knowledge and experience. You shouldn’t be scared, but instead devote yourself to the  joys of menopause Then you will learn more about it. 

Joys of menopause

Menopause is the end of the ovulatory cycles in women. However, you shouldn’t view this new phase in your life as traumatic or negative. Every moment in life also has advantages and joys. Of course, you also need to learn to deal with the symptoms of menopause.

Getting older doesn’t have to be negative. Maturity is to be seen as a synonym for wisdom and perfection. You just have to change your point of view and, as always, think positively!

1. Learn about aging

Fear of aging is part of our mentality. We always have the need and desire to stay young. Society also demands it.

But this thinking triggers nothing more than conflict and inner pain. Once we see the changes our bodies are going through as we age, we are on our guard and fight against them.

You have to learn to age and stay calm. Otherwise, you can make a sad cartoon of yourself. By accepting menopause, you can also enjoy the joys that come with it.

The joys of menopause and learning to age

2. Take care of and pamper our bodies

When we reach the menopause stage, we should pay more attention to our health. It can be the perfect moment to take care of us and pamper us.

In this way we learn what signals our body sends us and can look for natural remedies for different symptoms.

During this time we can devote more time to ourselves. For once, not thinking about the endless list of everyday obligations and taking care of our bodies.

How about, for example, a wellness day a week? Or with a yoga class? Or maybe a few swimming sessions? To dance? You should definitely take care of and pamper your body.

3. Control our emotions

Hormonal changes create a real emotional chaos. Everything becomes more intense, the good and the less good.

  • Learn to deal with frustration, change, negative feelings, and disappointments.
  • Try to understand the changes in menopause so that you don’t oversize the problems and enjoy life with joy and tranquility.

Try to look at things from a distance and enjoy every moment. There is no point in crying over insignificant little things or overreacting emotionally. Observe everything calmly and be patient with yourself and with all the changes that you are not yet able to handle properly.

Learning to control emotions and other joys of menopause

4. Self-awareness through maturity

The joys of menopause are mostly in the experience we have gained over the course of our lives. But of course time also leaves its mark on our body.

It is not always easy to accept what has happened or to come to terms with it. You can therefore use this phase of life to strengthen your self-confidence.

Maturity should go hand in hand with confidence. The body is important, but we have now learned that that is not all. You can impress others with your strengths or with funny anecdotes. All that you have already overcome and been through should be enough for your confidence to be where it should be.

The children are grown up. Therefore, the time has now come to do things again that you have previously neglected due to lack of time. Who says that at an advanced age you can’t complete a degree, learn a trade or go on a dream trip?

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