The Best Diet For Diabetics

What should a diabetic eat and what not? What is recommended in this situation? Since questions often arise on this topic, we have summarized all the important information for you in this article.

The best diet for diabetics

Proper  diet for diabetics  is essential to keep blood sugar levels under control. Other habits also need to be changed, but an appropriate diet is particularly important to avoid complications.

In this article we will introduce you to the best diet for diabetics .

Eating healthy means eating foods that contain important nutrients in moderate portions. You should stick to fixed meal times.

The diet should not be too high in calories, but still meet the nutritional needs of the body. However, it can vary based on weight, age, etc.

What should a diabetic eat and what not? What is recommended in this situation? Since questions often arise on this topic , we have summarized all the important information for you in this article.

Why is proper nutrition so important for diabetics?

What is important in diet for diabetics

Anyone with diabetes or a precursor to it must follow a special diet in order to get their high blood sugar level and related problems under control.

This diet is based on a combination of various healthy foods that affect many aspects of your health.

This change in diet is intended to achieve the following:

  • keep high blood sugar levels under control,
  • bring the body weight into balance,
  • avoid cardiovascular complications,
  • Reduce cholesterol and triglycerides,
  • maintain good kidney function and
  • stimulate the nervous system.

What are the advantages of the special diet?

People who suffer from chronic illnesses often struggle with problems that result from them. If they do not take appropriate measures, they can also affect the whole body.

However, if those affected change their diet, they can usually also improve their quality of life, even if the disease itself cannot be cured.

The advantages include:

  • stable blood pressure
  • Preventing Eye Problems
  • less fatigue
  • physical and mental wellbeing
  • a healthy body weight

    Which foods are among the best diets for diabetics?

    What should be included in the diet for diabetics

    The best diet for diabetics is based on three timed meals a day. This allows the body to make the most of the insulin available to it. It does n’t matter whether the insulin is artificial or natural.

    Doctors usually recommend seeing a nutritional expert as each case is different. However, there are some foods that are almost always recommendable.

    Healthy carbohydrates

    • fruit and vegetables
    • full grain
    • Legumes (beans, lentils, or peas)
    • low fat dairy products


    • Whole wheat flour
    • nuts
    • Green vegetables and fruits
    • oatmeal

    Healthy fatty acids

    • Oily fish
    • Seeds and nuts
    • avocado
    • Olive or rapeseed oil


    • legumes
    • Eggs
    • white meat (chicken or turkey)
    • low fat dairy products
    • Seafood and crustaceans

    Which foods should diabetics avoid?

    What shouldn't be included in the diet for diabetics

    Diabetes increases the risk of heart disease, stroke, and other chronic diseases that can have serious consequences.

    In addition to a healthy diet, it is important to avoid certain harmful foods.

    Saturated fats

    • beef
    • cured meat
    • bacon
    • fried foods
    • refined vegetable oil

      Trans fats

      • processed products
      • Pastries
      • margarine


      • excessive amounts of dairy products
      • egg yolk
      • Fast food
      • Desserts


      • salt
      • Canned or prepared meals

      You should consume less than 2.3 g of salt a day. In the case of high blood pressure, even less than 1.5 g per day.


      • Added sugars
      • Sweets and desserts
      • Pastries
      • sugared cereals

      Diet tips for diabetics

      Diet tips for diabetics

      A few  more general diet tips for diabetics:

      • Eat five or six smaller meals rather than three large ones.
      • Pick a specific time for each meal.
      • Also, set a specific time to take your medication.
      • Exercise regularly.
      • Don’t eat too many carbohydrates.
      • Refrain from alcohol.

      Eating a healthy diet can often be difficult for people who have just learned that they have diabetes. However, the best solution is to be able to live with the disease.

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