The Best Remedies For Frizz

What helps against brittle hair and frizz? Today we are going to give you some tips and show you many detailed instructions on how to care for your hair using natural means!

The best remedies for frizz

Many people’s hair curl, especially on wet days. There are a variety of products on the market against frizz, but we recommend natural remedies to tame the strawy, unruly hair. You can learn more about it in this article.

Frizz can arise for a variety of reasons, but most of the time it is caused by a lack of moisture and the use of dye or heat treatments (such as a hairdryer or straightening iron). Some hair is also naturally very dry and porous.

Effective home remedies for frizz

  • Mash a ripe banana with a fork and mix with a spoon of lemon juice and a spoon of sunflower oil. Apply to the hair and after half an hour of action, wash the hair as usual. However, you should not use the hairdryer, it is best to wait until the hair dries by itself.
  • Mix 1/4 cup of olive oil and a raw egg. Apply this mixture to washed or at least damp hair. Wash your hair again after 30 minutes. Olive oil provides a lot of moisture and the lecithin – an amino acid – contained in the egg repairs the hair and regenerates the cells.

anti-frizz agent
  • Mash a ripe banana with the pulp of an avocado and then apply to damp hair. After 20 to 30 minutes of action, rinse with water and then wash as usual. The banana contains valuable antioxidants and minerals that repair hair. Avocados are characterized by fatty acids that nourish hair wonderfully.
  • Mix a cup of mayonnaise (homemade or purchased) with the pulp of an avocado. Apply to the hair and cover it with foil or a plastic cap. Then wrap your head with a warm, damp towel. After at least half an hour, wash your hair as usual.
  • A raw egg can also help against frizz. Massage the scalp gently with it. After about 15 minutes, wash with shampoo and then apply conditioner.

Red hair

Even more recipes

  • Mix about 120 ml of apple cider vinegar with one liter of water and use it to rinse dry hair before washing. This not only helps against frizz, the hair will also shine more beautifully.
  • Vegetable oils such as almond or coconut oil are also highly recommended. They care for and nourish the hair and smell excellent. Then wash your hair as usual and let it dry a little. Then distribute a few drops of the oil on the hair. Olive oil also works wonderfully, but it doesn’t smell.
  • Mix a spoon of honey with a spoon of oil and spread on the hair. This excellent natural conditioner smells wonderfully sweet. After about 10 minutes, rinse with cold water and then wash your hair as usual.
  • Lukewarm carbonated water can be used as a conditioner after washing your hair.

curly hair
  • Puree a cup of natural yoghurt with the pulp of a medium-sized cucumber. Then apply to the hair and rinse after half an hour with lukewarm water.
  • Mix a cup of coconut milk, two spoons of honey, two spoons of olive oil and the pulp of an avocado. This mixture is excellent for the hair. Apply and let it work for 30 minutes. Then rinse with plenty of water and wash your hair as usual.
  • Mix a can of coconut cream with four spoons of lemon juice. Apply to dry, clean hair, cover it with foil or a plastic hood and let it work for at least an hour. Then wash with shampoo and conditioner as usual. This mask is recommended twice a week.
  • Enrich the normal conditioner with a spoonful of olive oil and use it every time you wash your hair.

    dry hair

    Recommendations to prevent frizz

    • Use quality products, even if they are more expensive. Make sure the hair care products do not contain alcohol.
    • Wash the hair with lukewarm or cold water. Hot water also dries out the hair. 
    • After washing, apply a nourishing hair cream to towel-dried hair. Let the hair dry naturally.
    • Be careful with hair clips as they can damage brittle hair. Overly tight hairstyles are also not recommended. Sleep with your hair down.
    • Hairbrushes made of wood are best, because metal or plastic brushes promote electrically charged hair.
    • Avoid heat treatments like straighteners and blow dryers as much as possible. If, in exceptional cases, a hair dryer is used, keep a distance of 30 cm from the scalp.
    • Do not wash your hair every day, as this will open the pores further and result in frizzy hair. Even if you take a daily shower, you should only wash your hair every other day.

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